The Authorized Ender Companion Read online

Page 21

  At the play reading, Quincy first saw Dorabella Toscano, who was reading the part of Katharine, the title shrew. Dorabella played the part so well that Quincy began to fall in love with her.

  Quincy fully believed that Ender was not qualified to govern Shakespeare Colony, and fully intended to become the governor once they arrived at the planet. As the two-year journey came to a close, Quincy refined his plans to take over the planet. He also married Dorabella, assuring her of a place of prominence in Shakespeare.

  As the ship arrived at Shakespeare Colony, Quincy put his plans to take over the governship into full force. There would be a great ceremony where he would expose Ender as an ignorant teenager, and assume control. The plan backfired, however, when Ender interrupted Quincy’s planned ceremony, receiving a hero’s welcome.

  Ender presented Quincy with a note from Earth warning the admiral that any attempts to interfere with Ender’s powers as governor or as Quincy’s superior officer would result in a charge of mutiny. Quincy, defeated, returned to the ship for his voyage to another colony. He was joined by Dorabella, but not her daughter, Alessandra, who chose to stay at Shakespeare.

  Morgan, Mrs. (WG)

  Mrs. Morgan was married to the Reverend Habit Morgan and lived in Eden, North Carolina, where her husband was the minister. She was physically abused by her husband and loved by her son Zeck. She taught Zeck about Santa Claus, despite her husband’s insistence that it was an evil tradition. She gave up Zeck for Battle School.

  Morgan, Reverend Habit (WG)

  Reverend Habit Morgan was the religious authority in Eden, North Carolina. He spoke with a silver tongue, and his parishioners felt he was the true voice of God among Man. He spoke out against the evils of humanism, particularly the “Satanic” tradition of Santa Claus. He also had a dark secret: he was physically abusive to his wife and son. He focused on nonviolence in his sermons to try to control his rage.

  He desperately tried to keep his son, Zeck, from going to Battle School; but after hearing threats that his parents would be arrested, Zeck left his family to go.

  Morgan, Zechariah “Zeck” (WG)

  The child of the local preacher, Zeck Morgan was born and raised in Eden, North Carolina. He was taught conflicting principles about whether Satan was involved in human affairs by his parents, whom he loved very much. He dogmatically followed his father’s religious instruction, and loved his mother deeply. However, his father beat him severely, calling the beatings “purification.”

  When he was screened for potential Battle School placement, he agreed to go to protect his parents from criminal charges if they stopped him. Furthermore, he warned the fleet testing officers that he would teach the other children that God did not want them to kill their enemies.

  Not long after arriving at Battle School, Zeck noticed Dink Meeker giving his fellow Dutchman, Flip, a small gift to secretly celebrate Sinterklaas Day—St. Nicholas Day. Angered that religious devotion was forbidden at Battle School, and infuriated that a holiday celebration had gone on unpunished, Zeck took it upon himself to cause a religious uprising in protest. Dink’s gift-giving had spread to many other Battle School students, and in response Zeck influenced a Muslim student Ahmed to lead a group of Muslim students to rebel by saying their daily prayers in public. The Muslim students were taken away in handcuffs, and Zeck found himself ostracized from the rest of Battle School.

  Ender later faked an injury, and Zeck, remembering the Good Samaritan, helped Ender. It gave the two a chance to talk. Ender was blunt with Zeck, helping the religious child to see that the abuse his father had done to him was wrong. Zeck reacted violently, beating Ender, but he quickly realized what he was doing, and made the decision to stop, recalling his mother’s influence. Ender helped Zeck realize that Zeck’s father also abused his mother. Zeck wanted to kill his father, but through his conversation with Ender turned from his latent violent tendencies. Ender gave Zeck a gift—a sock, like what Dink had given the others—though this one had been used to stop Zeck’s bleeding. Zeck accepted it. It was a sign that he accepted his colleagues at Battle School. Dink and the others saw Ender accept Zeck, and likewise followed suit, bringing him into the Battle School community.

  Morris, Lieutenant (EGS)

  Lieutenant Morris was a colleague and instructor at Battle School. He assisted in the Battle Room, unfreezing victims after matches.

  Moskva (See Hundred Worlds)

  Mother Tongue (SD, XN)

  Mother Tongue was the language used by female pequeninos or wives on the planet Lusitania to speak with the tribe’s mothertree.

  Mrs. Morgan (EE)

  Mrs. Morgan was the nickname crewmembers aboard IFcoltrans1, the first colony spaceship, had given the vessel. It referred to the ship’s commanding officer, Admiral Quincy Morgan, and his unwavering commitment to it.

  Mu-pao (XN)

  Mu-pao was a servant in the home of Han Fei-tzu. She was the first to notice Fei-tzu’s daughter Qing-jao’s hands were bloodied from washing—the first sign of a child being among the “godspoken.”

  She was loyal to Han Fei-tzu, and held the godspoken rituals as sacred. When Fei-tzu’s daughter Qing-jao sent away the servant Si Wang-mu, Mupao followed after her, riding a donkey, to carry Fei-tzu’s instructions that Wang-mu return.

  Through the rest of Han Fei-tzu’s life, and for much of Qing-jao’s, Mu-pao continued her service in the House of Han.

  Mu-ren (CH)

  Mu-ren was the hired cook in the Han household. She refused to give Tzu her key, which she used to go to market to buy foodstuffs, when he asked for it to go outside the walls with his Common Tutor, Wei Dun-nuan, to read. She was scared when the authorities came to arrest Han Tzu’s father.

  Musafi (SG)

  Musafi was an adviser to the Caliphate of the Muslim World, Alai. He was an ardent supporter of Muslim expansionism and sought to overthrow Peter Wiggin’s world government with a Muslim one. Alai appreciated his colleague’s blunt counsel.

  Nagoya (See Hundred Worlds)

  Najjas (SG)

  Najjas was a member of Caliph Alai’s inner circle during the rise of Peter Wiggin as the Hegemon and leader of the world government. Najjas spoke his mind plainly, but followed the guidance of his leaders: Alai and Alai’s wife, the Hindu Virlomi.

  Naresuan, Chakri (SH)

  Chakri Naresuan was the top military leader in Thailand after Ender’s victory over the Formics. He was a careerist general, who did all he could to protect his own position in the Thai military.

  When Bean hid from Achilles Flandres in Thailand, he was made many promises by the Chakri. The Chakri did not keep his promises, however, and was actually exposed to be in a conspiracy with Achilles to kill Bean and the Thai military strategist Suriyawong. His role in an assassination attempt uncovered, the Chakri resigned his position in shame, though not before trying to discredit Bean further to the Prime Minister of Thailand. The prime minister didn’t believe the Chakri, however.

  Navigational School (EG)

  Navigational School was another training center sponsored by the International Fleet during the Formic Wars. Not much is known about it beyond its existence.

  Navio, Doctor (SD)

  Navio was the primary doctor on the planet Lusitania. He performed the autopsy on the late Marcão Ribeira. When Ender arrived to Speak Marcão’s death, he met with Navio to learn all he could about the death. Navio, like most Lusitanians, was devoutly Catholic, and initially refused to share details with Ender. Ender, with the help of his computer friend Jane, convinced Navio that it would be better for the whole colony if he helped.

  The doctor relented, and shared with Ender that Marcão had a congenital defect that normally would have sterilized him. But, since the man had fathered six children, the disease must have been slow-moving. Jane and Ender expressed some humor at the doctor’s choosing to remain naïve rather than accept that Marcão’s wife had been unfaithful. But he seemed to not know of the adultery until it was revealed dur
ing Ender’s Speaking for the Dead on behalf of Marcão a few days later.

  Navio was called to the fence that protected the pequenino land outside of the colony. Miro Ribeira had climbed it, and was critically injured. Navio had no idea how to help Miro, having not been trained in medical school for the type of injury the fence caused. He did his best, however, but Miro had suffered severe nerve damage, and the doctor was unable to reverse it. However, Miro recovered on his own and was able to walk and talk, albeit with some difficulty.

  Necessarians (CM)

  Necessarians were a quasireligious/philosophical group on the Japanese planet Divine Wind. They believed in living in perfect harmony with one’s environment. Several Necessarians held great influence in the Starways Congress, and were partially responsible for the order given to a small fleet of ships to destroy the planet Lusitania. Necessarian philosophy taught that offenses should be ignored unless life was threatened.

  Nets (EG, ES, SH, SP, SG)

  “Nets” was the term given to computer networks similar to the Internet of modern time.

  New Chinese (XN, CM)

  New Chinese was the language of choice on the planet Path.

  Nguyen, Colonel (SP)

  Colonel Nguyen was the head of the International Fleet’s Digital Security Force. A Vietnamese woman, she worked at the Ministry of Colonization, which was housed in the refurbished Battle School orbiting Earth. When Hyrum Graff and Peter Wiggin set out to expose a mole in the Ministry, she played an integral part by tracking all computer activity on the station. She revealed the mole to be Uphanad, the station’s security chief.

  Nimbo (XN)

  Nimbo was one of the sons of Ender’s stepson, Olhado Ribeira von Hesse, and his wife Jaqueline. He was one of the mobocrats who attacked pequenino land, killing many of the so-called piggies in retaliation for the murder of his uncle Quim. Nimbo was hurt in the riot but was able to walk despite his injuries. He was certain he would be killed in the riot.

  When Valentine Wiggin visited Olhado’s home for the first time, she saw Nimbo to be a stereotypical child.

  Nita (PB)

  Nita was a family friend or servant of the Madrid family. She made noodles with Bonzo.

  Noches, Pablo de (ES)

  A janitor at a place Bean called the “clean place,” Pablo de Noches was a poor Dutch man who used all his money to buy prostitutes. He found Bean hiding in a toilet when Bean was less than a year old and took the boy home to care for him. Bean eventually left Pablo’s care, but they encountered one another four years later when Bean searched for the janitor.

  Bean (and Sister Carlotta, who had followed him) hoped Pablo would be able to shed some light on Bean’s past, but the janitor was not very helpful. He told Sister Carlotta about the organ farming and, after Bean went to Battle School, showed the nun the toilet in which he’d found Bean years earlier.

  Noches’ Hooker (ES)

  Pablo de Noches was known for hiring prostitutes. On one particular night, the hooker he’d paid walked home with him, encountering a four-year-old Bean on the way. Bean claimed that Pablo was married, angering the hooker, who walked away with Pablo’s money.

  Noncomplying Family Act (EG)

  Law by which families who had more than two children were arrested. Several nations ignored the law, choosing instead to live religiously or culturally and have multiple children.

  Nordic (SD)

  Nordic was the chosen language of the planet Trondheim, where Valentine Wiggin met and married her husband, Jakt.

  Novinha (See von Hesse, Ivanova Santa Catarina “Novinha”)

  Observations of Distant Worlds with the Naked Eye (SD)

  Popular book by noted author Mil Fiorelli, Observations of Distant Worlds with the Naked Eye had a great impact on Ender and Valentine Wiggin.

  O’Connor (EE)

  After retiring from the International Fleet and Ministry of Colonization, Hyrum Graff lived by himself in Ireland. O’Connor was one of Hyrum’s few friends and delivered groceries and letters to him.

  Office Manager (ES)

  The office manager was a woman who ran the building Bean called the “clean place.” Though it had changed dramatically from when Bean lived there in his first year of life, Sister Carlotta hoped it would give her some answers into Bean’s past. Carlotta went to the building with janitor Pablo de Noches and told the office manager that they were there on Fleet business.

  Ojman, Rymus (XN)

  Rymus Ojman was the chairman of the cabinet of the Starways Congress. He was a powerful political leader but lost much of his influence after an ironic essay by political pundit Demosthenes mocked him publicly.

  Old Chinese (CM)

  “Old Chinese” was the term used by the Chinese citizens of the planet Path to refer to the version of their language on Earth in “ancient” times.

  Old Man (EE)

  The old man was a colonist from India who was traveling to the planet Ganges. He wanted to ensure that the settlers from the southern part of India would be treated respectfully by the colony’s governor, Virlomi. Virlomi agreed and promised they would be.

  Olhado (See Ribeira von Hesse, Lauro Suleimão “Olhado”)

  Ooka ([CM])

  Ooka was the first Necessarian philosopher on the planet Divine Wind.

  Oporto (See Hundred Worlds)

  Order of Inhibition (SH, SP, SG)

  When someone was a proven security risk, government officials implanted in his brain a device that caused any kind of anxiety to launch a feedback loop, leading to a panic attack. Such people were then given periodic sensitization to make sure that they felt a great deal of anxiety when they contemplated talking about the forbidden subject. A noted scientist named Anton had this implanted in him.

  Otaheti (See Hundred Worlds)

  O’Toole, Agnes (WG)

  A female testing officer for the International Fleet, Agnes O’Toole worked with Zeck Morgan, preparing him for Battle School. She was well respected by Zeck, a religious zealot who felt all women deserved respect—even I.F. officers.

  Ouanda (See Saavedra Ouanda Quenhatta Figueira Mucumbi)

  Outback (See Hundred Worlds)

  Outspace (XN, CM)

  Outspace was where the philotes existed and could only be reached by focused thought by the sentient computer Jane. Once in Outspace, a person could travel to any planet instantly, merely by thinking of the destination. In Outspace all thoughts become reality, including the creation of new life like Peter Wiggin II or a new body for Miro Ribeira.

  Pace, General (EG)

  A general from the International Fleet’s high command, General Pace was an adviser to Battle School who became concerned that Ender’s life was in jeopardy and encouraged Colonel Graff to graduate Bonzo Madrid to protect Ender.

  Pacifica/Lumana’i (See Hundred Worlds)

  Pan Ku-wei (XN)

  Pan Ku-wei was a citizen of the planet Path. Of Chinese descent, he was a very smart man who came close to passing the test for government service. He fell short, though, but spoke out about political matters. He often talked about how the Starways Congress was wrong to send a fleet to destroy the planet Lusitania. Much of his rhetoric was taken from the essays of Demosthenes.

  Paribatra, Prime Minister ([SG])

  Prime Minister Paribatra was the prime minister of Thailand and an ally to Bean when he was hiding in that nation. Bean knew that Achilles Flandres, a former Battle School dropout and serial killer, was set to try to take over all of Asia. The prime minister of Thailand relied on Bean’s military expertise to protect his nation from Achilles and the Indian army that was set to invade.

  Bean told the prime minister that Achilles was using the Indian forces not to actually invade Thailand, but to weaken all the armies in Asia by spreading them too thin against each other. Once to that point, Achilles would join with China and allow the Chinese to take over all of Asia. The prime minister doubted this theory, and virtually ignored Bean’s warnings. He was captured and
held in China.

  Once free, Paribatra negotiated with Peter Wiggin to bring his people into the Free People of Earth world government.

  Park shift (SD)

  A park shift was a sudden slowing of velocity for a spaceship as it approached a planetary orbit or a sudden increase of velocity as it left.

  Patinha “Isolde” (SD)

  Patinha was a child to Pipo and Conceição, born on the planet Lusitania.

  Path (See Hundred Worlds)

  Peder (EGS)

  Peder was one of Ender’s soldiers in Dragon Army and was promoted to commander of his own army because of Dragon’s success. He was still nine when he was promoted, three years earlier than usual. He was a commander for two weeks before being sent to Command School to train on the simulator. He was one of Ender’s soldiers in the simulator.

  Pei-Tian (CH)

  Pei-Tian was the driver for Han Tzu’s father. He had a key to the outside of the Han family compound, which Han Tzu wanted to steal.

  Peregrino, Bishop (aka Armao Cebola) (SD, XN)

  Bishop Peregrino was the presiding religious authority on the planet Lusitania. He conducted the funeral of Pipo, the planet’s xenologist who had been murdered by the native Lusitanians, the pequeninos. He had also been responsible for submitting the names of Cida and Gusto, the planet’s previous xenobiologists, for canonization after they’d died helping eradicate a plague.

  As the defender of Catholicism on Lusitania, Bishop Peregrino was opposed to the practice of Speakers for the Dead—irreligious funeral rights that had come into fashion over the last three thousand years. Some of the colonists on Lusitania had called for a Speaker, and the Bishop was upset, but bound by the law to allow it.

  However, once the Speaker, Ender Wiggin, arrived, the bishop sought to create a unified front against him. He even went to his religious rival, the abbot of the Children of the Mind of Christ, asking for his help in ridding Lusitania of the Speaker. The abbot refused, seeking to adhere to the law.

  He was invited, a short time later, to meet with Governor Bosquinha. He learned in that meeting that the Starways Congress had begun absorbing the planet’s computer files. He was instructed to transfer the church’s most important files into Ender’s well-hidden computer storage space. Bishop Peregrino agreed, begrudgingly.