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The Authorized Ender Companion Page 27

  Eventually, Miro II and his crew returned home, along with Peter Wiggin II and Si Wang-mu who had joined them after stopping the destruction of Lusitania. Miro and Jane attended Ender’s funeral and then were married in the shadows of the mothertrees in the pequenino land. Jane blinked them away for a secluded honeymoon.

  Finally, Miro found happiness and peace in his life. He’d married Jane and was whole again.

  Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (ES, SH, SP, SG)

  Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, was the home of the Hegemony government led by Peter Wiggin in the years after Ender’s victory over the Formics. Peter and the rest of the Wiggin family, as well as Bean Delphiki and his family, lived in the city. It became one of the world capital cities when the Hegemony expanded its influence worldwide to become the unified world government called the Free People of Earth.

  Righteous Labor (XN, CM)

  Righteous labor was the work expected of every resident on the planet Path. Steeped in ancient Chinese tradition, the labor was usually performed in the planet’s rice paddies.

  Ro (XN)

  Ro was the second of three children born to Valentine Wiggin and her husband Jakt. She was born on the planet Trondheim, approximately three thousand years after Ender Wiggin’s victory over the Formics. At age twenty, she accompanied her parents into space initially heading toward the planet Lusitania, to protect that world from Starways Congress’s xenocidal intention toward it.

  Rock-eating Worms (GB, EE)

  The rock-eating worms were thought to be a life-form native to the former Formic world that was settled by Sel Menach and his party after Ender’s victory in the war. Sel and his assistant Po Tolo soon discovered that what they thought were worms were actually creatures they would call Gold Bugs.

  Rooter (SD, XN, CM)

  Rooter was a native of the planet Lusitania. A pequenino, or “piggie,” he was talented at climbing tress with his padded paws and their ankle-claws. He was fascinated by the bits and pieces of human culture he learned from Pipo, the planet’s scientist who studied the piggies. Rooter was also known for the tremendous acrobatic ability and agility he displayed.

  He spoke to Libo, Pipo’s son, about the relationship between males and females in the pequenino culture, contrasting it to human culture. Rooter thought human females were weak for not killing Pipo or Libo once they were discovered to be wise. The next day, Rooter was found dead—tortured to death—with a small tree having been planted in his open chest cavity.

  The tree grew over the years, and the pequeninos believed that Rooter’s spirit inhabited it. They looked to the trees, and particularly Rooter’s, for guidance. They were certain that Rooter had told them that the newly arrived Speaker for the Dead was the original Speaker, Ender Wiggin. Furthermore, Rooter had apparently told them that the Speaker would bring them the Hive Queen, who would give them more guidance—most importantly the keys to space travel. The prophesy caused dissension among the piggies as the believers, led by Human, were threatened by the disbelievers, led by Leaf-eater.

  Human was eventually made into a fathertree, too, and communicated silently with Rooter. They were considered the most noble and wise of the fathertrees. When Ender’s stepdaughter Quara warned the fathertrees that her family was working on ways to eliminate the Descolada virus from Lusitania (which the pequeninos relied on for life and reproduction), Rooter and Human contacted the Formic Hive Queen, who Ender had placed on the planet to regrow her species, and together they planned to build a spaceship that would remove them from Lusitania, the Descolada still living within them.

  Rooter, as a tree, was unable to leave Lusitania, but it was of little consequence. The Descolada had been eradicated without harming the pequeninos, and the human fleet did not destroy his world.

  After Ender died, his remains were buried in the pequenino land, near Rooter and Human.

  Rosen, “Rose the Nose” (EG, ES, SH)

  Rosen, a Jewish child from Israel, was Ender’s commander in Rat Army. He ordered Ender not to practice with his launch group or use his desk until he successfully froze two soldiers in battle. Ender defied the orders, but still froze the necessary enemies. Rosen didn’t speak to Ender after that.

  “Rose the Nose,” as he was affectionately known, had been assigned a private room as a commander, but slept with his army in their barracks. He was reportedly scared of the dark and needed the company of his soldiers to feel safe.

  Rosen aspired to be the International Fleet’s chief military officer, the Strategos. The position had been filled by an Israeli Jew since it had been created, and Rosen sought to continue the tradition. He was succeeded in command of Rat Army by Dink Meeker.

  Rotterdam, Netherlands (ES, SP, SG)

  Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, was the home to Bean Delphiki and Achilles Flandres. In the aftermath of the first and second Formic invasions of Earth, Rotterdam had crumbled and was full of orphans. Following Ender’s victory over the Formics, the city began to rebuild, becoming a cleaner, safer place. Bean returned to Rotterdam with his wife, Petra Arkanian, as a young adult, and was surprised about the changes for the better, which the city had made since he’d been an orphan child wandering the streets there.

  Rotterdam Kids (ES)

  In Rotterdam in the Netherlands, homeless, parentless children filled the streets. To survive, the children formed groups called “crews” and later “families.” These groups protected their own, but fought and even killed rival crews.

  Bean and Achilles Flandres were two prominent kids among the crews. When Bean snuck out of his new home with Sister Carlotta at age four, he encountered a belligerent pair of eight-year-old kids, but confidently moved past them.

  Rov (See Hundred Worlds)

  Royal Mother of the West ([XN])

  The Royal Mother of the West was one of the gods worshipped by the Chinese colonists on the planet Path. Si Wang-mu, a servant girl who would become Peter Wiggin II’s wife, was named for her. Royal Mother was Wang-mu’s ancestor-of-the-heart.

  Rudolf, Captain Helena (PL)

  Captain Helena Rudolf, a young German woman, was sent by the International Fleet to conduct Battle School testing in Poland. With a curt, almost stern demeanor, she tested the children of the Wieczorek family, and was the first to discover the exceptional intelligence of the family’s seventh child, John Paul. She took the findings back to the International Fleet and returned with her colleagues, Colonel Sillian and Captain Hyrum Graff, to further test five-year-old John Paul.

  Russian General (PL)

  Several leaders of the International Fleet evaluated six-year-old John Paul Wieczorek’s Battle School screening tests, among them the Russian general. He was worried John Paul was bluffing—that his scores were too good. The Russian general was the representative of the Office of Strategos. In this capacity, he insisted that John Paul be considered for Battle School and agreed that Captain Hyrum Graff should make the final determination on the matter.

  Russian Kidnappers (SH)

  The Russian kidnappers were assigned by a mysterious leader to round up the members of Ender’s Command School team and take them to an undisclosed location in their home country where the captives would play war games. They were impatient with Petra Arkanian and used injections to make her unconscious. They held her in solitary confinement for nearly six weeks before allowing her to join the rest of her colleagues.

  Saavedra, Ouanda Quenhatta Figueira Mucumbi (SD, XN, CM)

  Ouanda was the firstborn child of Libo Figueira and his wife Bruxinha. She was a talented xenologist on the planet Lusitania. Following her father’s death at the hands of the native life-forms, the pequeninos, Ouanda violated the government rule that the pequeninos (or piggies) be quarantined. She visited the aliens frequently.

  She developed a close, loving relationship with her xenologist colleague, Miro Ribeira von Hesse. They often argued about the best course of action to take with the piggies, including whether or not they should introduce to them the newly arriv
ed Speaker for the Dead, Ender Wiggin.

  Ouanda and Miro fell in love, but soon discovered they were actually siblings, sharing the same father—Libo.

  Jane, Ender’s sentient computer program, sent a message through interplanetary computer networks stating that Ouanda and Miro had taught the piggies agriculture—a violation of the law. As a result, Lusitania’s charter was revoked, and Ouanda and Miro were ordered to go to the nearest planet, Trondheim, to face an inquiry into their criminal actions.

  Before learning about the inquiry, Ouanda and Miro discovered that there was dissension among the piggies over the arrival of the Speaker. Some of the piggies threatened to kill others if the Speaker did not arrive. To prevent this, Ouanda agreed that Ender Wiggin should speak to the pequeninos.

  Ouanda and Miro took Ender to speak to the piggies. She treated the Speaker with great hostility and condescension. As she listened to his conversation with the piggies, Ouanda learned that the pequeninos longed to experience space travel, and that they believed Ender Wiggin, the Speaker, held the key to their doing so—the Hive Queen. She doubted everything the Speaker discussed with the piggies, and even argued with him about it. But she was glad to have been invited to witness the pequeninos’ ritual sacrifice of a tree to make houses and arrows from its wood.

  She attended the Speaking for Miro’s father, Marcão, there learning of his true parentage. They were siblings, and the news was hard to bear.

  Ouanda learned of the arrest warrant against her when Miro tried to gain access to the fence that surrounded the piggies, but was denied. He was critically injured after climbing the fence. Mandachuva, one of the piggies, climbed over the fence, too, and found Ouanda, desperate to help Miro. Ouanda and Mandachuva found the leaders of the Lusitania colony, including Speaker Ender, and took them back to Miro.

  She went with Ender and Ela to speak with the piggies’ female leaders, the “wives.” In the meeting between Ender and the chief wife, Shouter, Ouanda was tense. She had grown close to the piggies, and as she learned about their cannibalistic mating rituals, she had difficulty accepting them. Ender rebuked her for studying the piggies while he was negotiating a treaty.

  Ultimately, Ouanda accepted the treaty Ender and the piggies had signed, and agreed to abide by its precepts. She was still close to them and wanted to continue to study them.

  Ouanda did, in fact, continue to study the piggies, but she did so without Miro, who was crippled and who then left the planet to dilate time in order to help when the time was right. She worked with Quim and Ela, Miro’s siblings, to learn as much as she could about them, and about the Descolada virus. With Ela, she discovered properties of daisies that could be used by the newly reborn Hive Queen to inoculate herself against the virus.

  After Miro left for space, where he brought Valentine Wiggin back to Lusitania, Ouanda married and had four children. Though it had only seemed like a month gone to Miro, because of the relativistic space travel, nearly thirty years had passed.

  Ouanda did not go to greet Miro’s ship when it returned, but she found him at mass the next day. She spoke to him briefly, accusing him of having avoided her. He denied it and didn’t want to speak to her. She had aged, and it bothered Miro too much. He ran from the cathedral to avoid her further.

  She attended the meeting held by the planetary leaders to discuss what should be done about the pequeninos’ plans to escape the potential xenocide, as well as what to do about the Descolada virus. She did not contribute much to the contentious meeting, despite being a well-respected scientist.

  Following the riot that destroyed much of the piggies’ land, Ouanda rejoined Miro to study the pequeninos’ rebuilding process. It is unknown what happened to her afterward.

  San Angelo (SD)

  Citizen of the planet Moctezuma, San Angelo’s death was Spoken by Ender Wiggin. He was the founder of the Catholic order called the Children of the Mind of Christ, and was later canonized by the Catholic Church.

  Santangelo, Isabella (YM, EE)

  Isabella Santangelo lived in Polignano a Mare, Italy, and was the mother of Dorabella Toscano and grandmother of Alessandra Toscano. She and Dorabella had a volatile relationship stemming from disagreements over money and Dorabella’s choice of husband. When Dorabella was accepted to be a colonist with the Dispersal Project, Alessandra approached Isabella, hoping to live with her. This encounter caused further problems between Isabella and Dorabella, with Dorabella giving the last of her money to Isabella and saying good-bye with a slap in the face.

  Santangelo, Leopoldo (YM, EE)

  Leopoldo Santangelo was the father of Dorabella Toscano, grandfather of Alessandra Toscano, and husband to Isabella Santangelo. Not much is known of him beyond the fact that he lived in Polignano a Mare, Italy.

  Sasar, Hadrubet “Thorn” (SG)

  Thorn, whose real name was Hadrubet Sasar, was an adviser to the Muslim Caliph, Alai, and his Hindu wife, Virlomi. He was sarcastic and blunt in his assessment of world politics and wanted to ensure that Armenia remained loyal to the Muslim world and not join the ever-growing world government, the Free People of Earth led by Peter Wiggin.

  Saturn (EG)

  Saturn was a planet in Earth’s solar system and was recorded as the site of a human victory against the Formics. The human fleet was led by Mazer Rackham, who became a world hero through his victory here.

  Sayagi (SH, SG)

  Sayagi was a soldier in the Indian military who worked on computer research and military planning. Fellow soldier Virlomi offered to help him with his work in order to post a message on the computer forums that said that Petra Arkanian was alive and being forced against her will to aid in the evil schemes of Achilles Flandres, the Battle School dropout and serial killer who was plotting world domination in a post–Formic War world.

  Sayagi was among the rebellious Indian soldiers (along with Petra Arkanian) who determined that in order to survive, the Indian army had to ignore Achilles’s orders and withdraw from Burma. He posted this on the Locke computer forum. Achilles killed him for the act.

  Virlomi built a memorial to him in India.

  He appeared to Virlomi in a dream years later, chastening her for becoming someone different than she’d been when he was alive. She had manipulated her way to divine status in India and was not true to herself. Sayagi hated her for it in the vision or dream.

  Scathing of China ([EG])

  The “Scathing of China” was the name given to the destructive attack on China by the Formics during the aliens’ first invasion.

  Seamus “Shame” ([EG], ES)

  Seamus, or “Shame” as he’d been nicknamed, was a contemporary of Ender Wiggin’s at Battle School. He was talented but inexperienced when Bean, under orders from the Battle School officers, assigned him to Ender’s newly formed Dragon Army. Seamus was the first and only soldier willing to speak up when Ender asked a question related to gravity and physical orientation. Though he got the answer to his commander’s question wrong, Seamus showed courage and commitment by speaking up when no one else would.

  Second Xenocide (CM)

  “Second Xenocide” was the nickname given to the order to destroy the planet Lusitania and all its life. It referenced the War of Xenocide, which was the name given to the Formic War when it was learned Ender Wiggin had destroyed the entire Formic species.

  Secretary to Amaro de Madrid (PB)

  Amaro de Madrid’s secretary was a loyal, helpful woman. She often took Bonzo Madrid home when he’d visit his father at work. Talented, she was a tremendous asset to Amaro, allowing him the ability and opportunity to have an affair with a woman not his wife. Whether she was the woman or simply an accomplice to the affair is unknown.

  Selvagem (SD)

  Selvagem was a pequenino (or piggie), the native sentient animal life on the planet Lusitania.

  Semadores (SD)

  “Semadores” was a term used by members of the religious order, Children of the Mind of Christ, to refer to the monks who taught
in the order’s school.

  Semantics: Notes on the Pequenino Language and Nomenclature (SD)

  Written by noted Luistanian scientist, Libo, Semantics: Notes on the Pequenino Language and Nomenclature became the handbook for xenological study throughout the Hundred Worlds.

  “Separation” (XN)

  “Separation” was a poem written by Li Qing-jao on the planet Path. It formed the foundation of Han Qing-jao’s rituals performed as one of the godspoken.

  Sergeant (ES)

  A member of Poke’s “crew”—the group of children who lived together on the streets of Rotterdam in the Netherlands—Sergeant was apparently the second in command to Poke. He helped find food for the crew, and was partly responsible for giving Bean his name.

  When Achilles took over the crew, he used Sergeant, or “Sarge” as he was otherwise known, as the main figure in his plan to get the group food. Sarge picked a fight with a bully named Ulysses who was in line at the local soup kitchen. Achilles stepped in and, with Sarge and the other members of the crew, severely beat Ulysses. The fight resulted in the crew getting food from the kitchen before the other bullies.

  A short time later, when Sister Carlotta began teaching the crew how to read, Sarge and the others discovered that Bean already knew how to read. This led to Sarge and Achilles angrily accusing Bean of holding out on them and threatening to hurt him for doing so.

  Sarge was the first member of the crew to learn of Poke’s murder. He knew that although Achilles claimed Ulysses had killed Poke, it was really Achilles who commited the murder. Sarge never told anyone this, though, knowing that he needed to stand by Achilles to be safe.

  Shafts (EG)

  Shafts was a colleague of Ender Wiggin’s at Battle School. As children, Ender and Shafts were in the same launch group—they joined Battle School in the same year/class.

  Shakespeare Colony (See Hundred Worlds)