The Authorized Ender Companion Read online

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  Slattery, Pol (EGS, EG)

  Pol Slattery was a contemporary of Ender Wiggin’s at Battle School. He was the commander of Leopard Army, which Ender faced while a member of Salamander Army, and was the eighth army Ender’s army faced and beat in a week’s time.

  Pol went on to command Badger Army, which was also beaten by Ender’s Dragon Army.

  Smetana (GB)

  Smetana was a Czech composer whose music Sel Menach played to keep him sane during the Formic War.

  Snow Tiger ([SP], SG)

  Snow Tiger was the leader of the Chinese government in the aftermath of Ender’s victory over the Formics. He aligned himself with Achilles Flandres, and sought to take over Asia. The Chinese military spread itself very thin in conquering the continent, and was easily defeated by Muslim and Indian soldiers and insurgents. It was a humiliating defeat for the Chinese.

  Han Tzu, the Battle School graduate who had fought alongside Ender Wiggin in the Formic War, had warned Snow Tiger against his practices. Snow Tiger’s defeat had lost the loyalty of the Chinese military, who sided with Han Tzu, whom they felt should have been listened to during their conquest of Asia. A disgruntled soldier assassinated Snow Tiger and helped crown Han Tzu as the new emperor in Snow Tiger’s place.

  Sorelledolce (See Hundred Worlds)

  South African Kid (WG)

  The South African kid was a member of Rat Army who participated in Dink Meeker’s Christmas celebration of secretly giving gifts in other soldiers’ socks.

  Speaking/Speaker for the Dead (EG, EE, IC, SD, XN, CM)

  A new funerary custom among humans throughout the galaxy was “Speaking.” It was based on the second book written by Ender Wiggin under the pseudonym “Speaker for the Dead,” The Hegemon. Speakers would memorialize the deceased, but rather than paint a one-sided positive picture of the dead, Speakers spoke plainly and completely about their subject. Ender attended his first Speaking as an audience member when he was twenty years old on the planet Sorelledolce.

  Starcount (IC)

  Starcount was currency used among the Hundred Worlds in the centuries after Ender’s victory over the Formics.

  Star of the Order of the League of Humanity, First Class (EG)

  Star of the Order of the League of Humanity, First Class was the highest award given to civilians during the Formic Wars. Presented by the International Fleet and the League, it was presented to Valentine Wiggin even though she was still in her early teens, after she wrote a letter to her brother, Ender, supporting him in the war.

  Stark/Starcommon (SD, XN, CM)

  Stark, short for Starcommon, was a variation of English, and the primary language spoken on the different planets of the Hundred Worlds and in the Starways Congress.

  Starman, Felix (SG)

  Felix Starman was the leader of Rwanda during Peter Wiggin’s rise to power as the Hegemon. He helped lead Peter, as well as Petra Arkanian and Bean Delphiki, in a charge against a safe house that kept the evil Dr. Volescu. During the charge he was impressed by Bean’s gigantic size and military savvy.

  Months later, in exchange for ratifying Peter Wiggin’s constitution and Rwanda joining the Hegemony, Felix asked that Bean be sent to Rwanda to lead its armies. Bean complied, taking with him his wife Petra and their son Ender Delphiki.

  Stars (EG, ES)

  Stars were floating boxes that were obstacles for soldiers in the Battle Rooms at Battle School.

  Starways Congress (See also Hundred Worlds) (IC, SD, XN, CM)

  As human settlers were sent throughout the galaxy, a unified governing body called the Starways Congress was created to oversee the different planets and colonies.

  Stilson (EG, [EE], [CM])

  A contemporary of Ender Wiggin’s, they were in the same school class on Earth, prior to Ender’s assignment to Battle School. Stilson often mocked Ender for being the third child of his family, calling him “Third” or “Thirdie.” He also mocked Ender for having his monitor removed, which signified that Ender had failed to qualify for Battle School. Stilson and his friends bullied Ender. Ender subsequently attacked Stilson, kicking him severely in the chest, and in the face, unknowingly killing him.

  Strategos (EG)

  The top military position in the International Fleet’s Hegemony, the Strategos had an established tradition of being an Israeli Jew. Following Ender’s defeat of the Formic home world, the Strategos gained power by public-relations efforts stating Ender was loyal to his office.

  The office was eliminated following the war on Earth after Ender’s victory in space.

  Stumpy Point (EG)

  Stumpy Point was a location on Earth that had been officially named for a former Hegemon, but was paved over and now used as a spaceport located on the Pamlico Sound.

  Styrka (SD)

  Styrka was one of Ender’s students on the Icelandic planet Trondheim. He was a smart student, though unforgiving of Ender’s actions as a child, killing the entire Formic race. Styrka didn’t know that his teacher was the same Ender who had committed the heinous act. It had, after all, occurred three thousand years earlier. But he enjoyed the lessons he took from Ender, as they gave him much food for thought.

  Suckflies (SD)

  Suckflies were insects native to the planet Lusitania and were discovered by the xenobiologists there.

  Summer Islands (See Hundred Worlds)

  Summers, Kim (née Arnsbach; née Rackham) (MP)

  Mazer Rackham’s ex-wife, she bore his two children. They divorced when Mazer was assigned to solitary “waiting” in space, and she remarried. Although initially angry with Mazer for divorcing her, she nonetheless still loved him, and spoke to their children with great fondness and happiness about their relationship prior to the war. She refused to appear alongside their children and grandchildren in the visual message Hyrum Graff had arranged for the family to send to Mazer, stating that she didn’t want Mazer to see her so old. She wrote letters to Mazer, which Hyrum Graff ensured would be forwarded.

  In these letters, she was at first angry, but eventually informed Mazer that she had moved on as instructed—remarrying. It broke Mazer’s heart, but Kim had been alone for over thirty years. She made it clear that she still loved Mazer, but moved forward in the decades since he left her. Once Mazer informed the fleet that he would return to Earth to train their new commander if they promoted Graff, Graff brought Kim into the Fleet’s strategy meetings to help keep the fleet honest with Mazer. She would laugh when the admirals and generals would try to come up with ways to deceive Mazer, thus upsetting their plans.

  Sun Cao-pi (XN)

  Sun Cao-pi was a citizen of the planet Path, and lived near Han Fei-tzu. Like most people on Path, he was of Chinese descent.

  Support School (EG)

  Support School was a training facility for grads of Battle School. Not much is known about the school beyond its existence except that it was run by the International Fleet during the Formic Wars.

  Suriyawong “Surrey” “Surly” (SH, SP, SG)

  Suriyawong was a Battle School contemporary of Ender Wiggin’s. He was from Thailand, and was very loyal to his home nation. Though never a strong commander, Suriyawong, or “Surly” as he was known to his Battle School peers, was made a top military official in his home nation after the Formic Wars.

  Nearly two years after returning to Thailand, and after having been put in his military position, Suriyawong was assigned to watch over Bean Delphiki, one of Ender’s closest Battle School allies, who was hiding in Thailand from Achilles Flandres, yet another Battle Schooler who was set on world domination.

  Bean had to work to earn Suriyawong’s trust, and eventually did enough that Suriyawong gave Bean a small army to train in unorthodox maneuvers. For six months, they built their relationship.

  When the combined Indian and Pakistani armies invaded Thailand’s neighbor, Burma, Bean held a meeting with Suriyawong and the top military leader in Thailand, the Chakri. The Chakri was dismissive of the two Battle School ve
terans and sent them away. He even took back Bean’s army.

  Moments later, Bean realized that the Chakri was working with Achilles, and both his and Suriyawong’s lives were in danger. The two teenagers escaped their barracks, just as they were blown up.

  The Chakri tried to use their supposed deaths to justify a purported war with India. But with help from Bean’s allies Hyrum Graff, Peter Wiggin, and Sister Carlotta, the Chakri’s motives were exposed, and Suriyawong was given a promotion in the military by the Prime Minister of Thailand. They would work together to protect their nation. The Chakri resigned in shame at being caught in his part of the murderous conspiracy.

  Suriyawong and Bean went to dinner late that night. From there they went to the airport to pick up Bean’s friend, Sister Carlotta. They learned there that Carlotta’s plane had been blown up, and they knew Achilles had been behind it.

  Suriyawong tried to comfort Bean, but without much success. All he could do was help his friend get home to the prime minister’s residence and promise to bring down Achilles.

  When Bean determined that Achilles was actually using India and Pakistan as pawns and intentionally spreading their armies too thin in order to allow China an easy takeover of Asia, Suriyawong stood by him. They tried to warn the prime minister and the leaders of the Thai military but were ignored.

  One general, Phet Noi, was sympathetic to their cause and promised to support them in their offensive against Achilles in India.

  Suriyawong led a group of soldiers with Bean and came across Virlomi, an Indian woman who had betrayed Achilles by responding to Bean’s computer messages searching for Petra. Suriyawong gained the trust of the troops that were loyal to Virlomi by being outwardly submissive to her. This allowed Virlomi to join them and lead them to Achilles’s headquarters. There they would mount a dual mission to rescue Petra and kill Achilles.

  Suriyawong did not play a big part in the rescue mission, leaving it to Bean. But he witnessed that they had been too late: Achilles’s allies in the Chinese military had taken over Asia.

  With his family, Suriyawong was able to escape Thailand before the Chinese occupation began. They moved to Brazil, which had become the new home of the Hegemony, headed by Peter Wiggin. There they were promised protection and looked forward to the possibility of returning to Thailand one day.

  Suriyawong was second in command under Bean in the small Hegemony army. He was assigned by Peter Wiggin to mount a rescue operation that took him to China and which freed Achilles. Bean resigned from the military in the process, making Suriyawong the top leader of the small band of soldiers.

  Although committed to following the orders that had come from his superior, and thereby rescuing Achilles, Suriyawong hoped that Achilles would die. When the mission was a success, Suriyawong changed tactics and began kissing up to Achilles. By rescuing him, he’d seen Achilles at a weak moment, and that usually meant that Achilles had to kill him.

  Luring Achilles into a false sense of power and security, Suriyawong gave Achilles a lot of authority over the soldiers in the Hegemony army. Outside observers believed that Achilles had taken over the position of power in the army through his own means, but Suriyawong and the soldiers knew that it was the young Thai who was in control of the situation.

  The primary negative consequence for Achilles’s arrival at the Hegemony was that it forced the Indian Battle Schooler Virlomi to leave. This was heartbreaking for Suriyawong, as he had fallen in love with her. She had made no indication that she had any feelings at all for him, but with her departure, Suriyawong knew he no longer had a chance of pursuing a romantic relationship of any kind with her.

  No one was certain of Suriyawong’s relationship with Achilles. He appeared to be his closest ally, but Peter believed it was a ruse. Achilles, however, must have believed it was real because he named Suriyawong the Acting Hegemon during an unsuccessful power grab for the office from Peter.

  Suriyawong was never truly loyal to Achilles, he only made the world think he was so he could gain Achilles’s trust. When Achilles’s life was in Bean’s hand, he pleaded with Suriyawong to kill Bean. Suriyawong refused, turning his back on Achilles and reaffirming his loyalty to Peter Wiggin, the Hegemon. Bean killed Achilles, which had been in Suriyawong’s plans all along.

  Peter spun the incident in the press and to other world leaders such as Ambul (who had become the top official in Thailand) that Suriyawong’s deception had been under his orders.

  In his restored position of trust in the Hegemony, Suriyawong traveled with Bean and Petra to Rwanda where they confronted the evil Dr. Volescu, who was creating a virus that would genetically alter the entire human race. He worked with a team of scientists tracking how far the virus may have spread.

  As time passed, Suriyawong was essentially Peter’s personal bodyguard, traveling with him around the world to dangerous meetings. Once Peter was able to ratify a constitution that unified many nations’ peoples, Suriyawong led armies against those nations that attacked Peter’s allies. His incredible skill as a leader led to swift victories, and many more countries joining the Hegemony, now called the Free People of Earth (FPE).

  Suriyawong led the FPE armies as they intervened in the wars between China, India, and Russia. He received India’s surrender and convinced Virlomi to encourage her people to join the FPE. He held her prisoner on behalf of the FPE, and she agreed to bring India into the world government fold.

  Swingler, Dr. (SD)

  Dr. Swingler was a high-profile scientist in the Hundred Worlds who briefly communicated with Libo, the chief scientist on Lusitania, regarding the pequeninos’ habits.

  Syfte (SD)

  Syfte was the firstborn daughter of Valentine Wiggin and her husband Jakt. She was born on the planet Trondheim, approximately three thousand years after Ender’s destruction of the Formics. She was tutored by Plikt, one of Ender’s former university students.

  She married a man named Lars, and together they traveled with her parents toward the planet Lusitania, hoping to protect that world from destruction.

  Tablets ([IC])

  Tablets were the term used on the planet Sorelledolce to describe disreputable news sources, or tabloids.

  Tactical School ([EG], ES)

  Tactical School is an unknown location in space where students who showed extra talent or initiative in Battle School were sent for additional training prior to going to Command School. Bean and several members of Ender’s Dragon Army attended Tactical School for one week before being sent to aid Ender at Command School.

  Target Balls (EG, ES)

  Target balls were targeting devices used in the Battle Rooms of Battle School. They turned from white to red when hit by a flash pistol’s beam.

  Teczlo, Magdalena “Magda” (PL)

  A friend of Brian’s and Anne Wieczorek’s, Magdalena Teczlo—or Magda as she was known—was a trained lawyer. She was at the Wieczorek house when Captains Hyrum Graff and Helena Rudolf arrived to make the final determination of John Paul Wieczorek’s readiness for Battle School. She was present to offer legal advice to her friends, which she was not permitted to do given the International Fleet’s overriding authority, so she angrily left.

  Testing Officers (PB, CH)

  The International Fleet sent officers throughout the world to test children—primarily male children, though young women were also tested—to see if they were qualified for Battle School, and potentially the next commander of the Fleet. A male officer visited the Madrid y Valencia household to test Bonzo Madrid before the boy was two years old, arguing “What if he is the next Mazer Rackham?”—a tactic typical of the International Fleet.

  A female officer tested Han Tzu. Along with another male counterpart, this officer determined that Han Tzu had been given the answers to the tests—a crime. The male and female officers arrested Han Tzu’s father, despite Han Tzu’s conscious efforts to answer the tests incorrectly. They had seen the cheating through Han Tzu’s monitor and made the arrest. The female off
icer gave Han Tzu another, unfamiliar test.

  Thai Soldiers (SH, SP)

  The Thai soldiers were loyal to their country, particularly in the aftermath of Ender’s victory over the Formics. Many of them were trained by Bean Delphiki, and they all played an important role in protecting Thailand from invasion by the combined Indian and Pakistani armies, which were under the direction of Achilles Flandres.

  Thrakos, General ([SH])

  General Thrakos was a high-ranking officer in the Greek military. After the Formic Wars, he issued an order that Greek soldiers rescue the vacationing Delphiki family, whose lives were in jeopardy from unknown attackers.

  T’it’u, Champi “Dumper” (EG, ES, SH, SG)

  Dumper was promoted to Command School where he was one of Ender’s unseen squadron leaders in the “exams” that were actually real battles.

  Following the Formic War and Ender’s victory, Dumper was one of the kidnapping victims that included ten other of Ender’s soldiers. He was taken by his captor, Achilles Flandres, to Russia where he was forced to play war games first in the presence of his fellow prisoners and then in another separate location somewhere else in that country.

  He was rescued by Russian operatives, along with the rest of his colleagues minus Petra Arkanian, after several months in solitary.

  In the years that followed, Dumper became a shaman living alone in the Andes, giving spiritual guidance to those who sought him out. As with the rest of his Battle School colleagues, he was offered a new life in space but refused to leave Earth.

  After refusing Peter’s offer to go to space, Dumper was invited to help ratify the Hegemon’s constitution and bring his homeland into the protection of the Hegemony. Dumper agreed, and though some of his followers who joined the Hegemony—or Free People of Earth as it was known—were attacked and killed, Peter protected him with the vast military resources at his disposal.

  As Peter built the Hegemony into the Free People of Earth, Graff again offered Ender’s colleagues the opportunity to leave Earth and govern a planet. It was his fear that Ender’s army would be used in the worldwide conflict, manipulated by whatever political power rose to prominence, and he wanted to prevent that. Every member who received the offer, which did not include Han Tzu, Petra Arkanian, or Alai, said no. The others were already too involved in matters on Earth to leave.